Sub-Granting Authority: ENGIM (Ente Nazionale Giuseppini del Murialdo)
First Open Call for Proposals
RISE-ALB: Strengthening of Social Entrepreneurship in Albania
Budget Reference:AID 011864
Financed by the AICS – Agenzia Italiana Cooperazione allo Sviluppo
Co-financed by OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe)
Thanks to a contribution from
the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain Northern Ireland
represented by the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
1. How many associations will be awarded under this call?
The application with the highest score for the LOT 1 and at least the three applications with the higher score for the LOT 2 will be provisionally selected (see Guidelines - Section 2.7 Evaluation and selection of Applications, Step 3). The sub-grant authority reserves the right to shift part of the fund from one lot to another. If the allocation of fund indicated in the guidelines cannot be used due to insufficient quality or number of proposals received, the sub-grant authority reserves the right to re-allocate the remaining funds to a second call.
2. Should the refurbishment plan be detailed or general?
The Sub-grant authority does not require to attach a refurbishment plan (planimetry or technical project). A detailed refurbishment plan should be described in the section 3 of the Annex A “Description of the project”. A detailed estimate of each costs for the reconstruction is needed (if any) and should be included in the Annex B, and namely in the budget (worksheet 1) or in the justification (worksheet 2).
3. The rent of other premises than the office of the association, is an eligible cost?
Renting is an ineligible cost, unless:
- the office rent, this kind of cost must be inserted in the budget sections “Overhead Cost”
- other premises rent are eligible only when are indispensable for the implementation of the operation, this kind of cost must be inserted in the budget sections “Activities of the project”. Pay attention to the financial sustainability of this cost: you have to strongly motivate your choice.
4. Are exchanges of experiences with foreign NGOs allowed?
Foreign association can be partners of the applicant (see Section 2.1.1, The eligibility of applicants and partners). Exchange of experiences can be carried out only in the territory of Albania (not abroad).
5. Is 26th April the deadline when the proposals must be physically submitted?
The deadline for the submission of applications is 26th April 2021, 17:00 hrs local time.
In the case of private courier service, the submission of the Application will be evidenced by the date of the arrival of the dispatch. In the case of hand-deliveries, the submission of the Application will be evidenced by the signed and dated receipt. (see Section 2.5, Deadline for submission of Applications).
6. When the implementation of the awarded projects will start?
The projects awarded will start immediately after the signing of the contract.
7. What exchange rate will be used as a reference?
The rules concerning the exchange rate will be specified in the Sub-Grant Management Manual, which will be published soon.
8. Do the entities that are not obliged to submit the annual Financial Statements to the competent authorities, have the right to apply under this call?
As stated in Section 2.3 (Supporting Document), both Applicant and Partner must submit the latest two Financial Statements of the organization. If they do not submit these documents, they are considered as ineligible and the proposal will be rejected (see Section 2.7, Step 2, Verification of the eligibility of the Applicant, of the Operations and the Costs).
9. Does an association located in another city from where the confiscated asset is located have the right to apply for grant under the LOT 1 of this Call?
Yes, even if it may weigh on the capacity of the association to implement the project. You should demonstrate that you are able to bridge the gap of the distance.
10. Does an NGO have the right to apply as the main Applicant in both LOTs?
No, as stated in the Guidelines section 2.1.1 (Eligibility of the Applicants and Partners, if any):
- An organization may submit only 1 application under this Call for Proposals as Applicant and 1 as Partner.
- An application may not have more than 1 Applicant.
All Applicants shall clearly identify in the application the LOT under which their proposal is submitted. Project proposals must be indisputably inscribed in a specific LOT (see Guidelines - Section 1.3, Financial Allocation provided by the Sub-Granting Authority).
11. Should the NGO have a specific filed of action to apply under this call or not?
No, for the field of action of the Social Enterprises you must take into account the Albanian law on Social Enterprises (Ligj nr. 65/2016).